You can pay online or at the moment of receiving the goods in TAVATELPA store at Ganibu dambis 30b, Riga. Opening hours on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00*, closed on weekends and public holidays.
*Oversized items can be picked up from the store until 16:00 PM.
Payment methods
Payment by Credit Card | Pay by Credit Card via the bank module or when picking up goods directly at the TAVATELPA store Ganību dambis 30b, Riga. |
Payment via Swedbank Internet banking | If you choose this payment method, the system will automatically connect you to Swedbank Internet Banking. |
Payment in cash | This payment method is only available at the TAVATELPA store at Ganību dambis 30b, Riga. |
Payment by instalments by KLIX paylater | Klix Pay Later allows the customers of the physical and online shop to make a purchase today but pay for it later. |
Bank transfer AS “Swedbank” | Make a bank transfer to the company account: SIA ”Sārmi4” Reģ. Nr.LV40003464929 A/S Swedbank Kods: HABALV22 Konts: LV23HABA0551036981435 |
Bank transfer AS "Citadele banka" | Make a bank transfer to the company account: SIA ”Sārmi4” Reģ. Nr.LV40003464929 AS "Citadele banka" Kods: PARXLV22 Konts: LV38PARX0019020500001 |