From the start
Choose the product(s) you need from the range of products on offer;
Then click "Add to basket" when you open the selected item(s);
and then click on the basket in the top right corner of the page and select "View basket" to edit your purchase or "Checkout" to purchase the item.
Step 1Select the checkout type:
Select Register a profile if you are a first-time shopper or log in with your previously created profile if you are a repeat shopper.
Step 2.Invoice information:
Enter your address.
Step 3Shipping Information:
Enter your delivery address.
Step 4Select delivery method:
Choose the delivery method that suits you best.
Step 5Select the payment method:
Choose the most convenient payment method. And read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
Step 6.Confirm your order
Confirm your order!
Your purchase is now complete and a confirmation email has been sent to your email address!